Design for Resilience & Sustainability with Precast Concrete
(AIA 1.0 LU/HSW, 1.0 GCBI, 1.0 PDH)
February 24, 2022 12 noon Central
This course will discuss considerations for the holistic design and construction of durable, long-lasting structures that are sustainable, safe, and resilient. A building’s primary goal is to protect the lives, lifestyles, and livelihoods of its occupants. Precast concrete has numerous qualities that can help buildings perform efficiently and offer occupants and communities healthy, flexible and useful spaces that can be effectively utilized over many years. Attendees will have the chance to see and hear case studies of projects that achieved durability, resilience and sustainability with precast concrete, and examine important qualities and attributes to consider when specifying the material.
Learning Objectives
1. Define the concepts of resilience and sustainability with a focus on holistic design and long-term, lifecycle performance.
2. Analyze how material choices made impact the safety and wellbeing of occupants over the life of the building and future design concepts.
3. Explore opportunities where sustainability, resilience, durability, and efficiency intersect.
4. Identify how precast, prestressed concrete can contribute to designs that are sustainable, efficient, durable, and resilient enough to protect the lives, livelihoods, and lifestyles of occupants and communities.
5. Examine case studies of sustainable, resilient, and safe projects that effectively utilized precast concrete to achieve their goals.
Presenter: Jim Schneider, LEED AP
Executive Director – PCI Mountain States
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