Prefabricated Concrete Façade System
A prefabricated concrete façade system can help ease the burden of building envelope design. Understanding how to connect these primary barrier systems to a building’s structure can give insights into the benefits of this building systems approach.
In a recent study by FMI, architects and owners ranked exterior walls as the most complex component of a building to work with; citing water intrusion, trade coordination, code compliance, and cost as their primary concerns.
Credits: Approved by AIA CES for 1.0 LU/HSW
Learning Objectives:
In this webinar, the participant will learn about:
- Definitions and diagrams of standard connections for prefabricated façade systems including traditional Architectural Precast, Glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC), and Thin-Shell systems.
- Design for pre-welds and embeds.
- Aesthetic and resilience considerations.