How Precast Builds: High Performance Enclosure Systems
Program Number Authorized: LIVE16CES100
Level 2 – Intermediate
Length: 1 Hour AIA, 1.0 HSW/LU, 1.0 PDH, 1.0 CEU
A structure’s envelope has a considerable impact on its overall performance, as highlighted by recent code changes. The envelope not only serves as a barrier between the outside environment and conditioned space but also as a part of the aesthetic expression for the structure.
It must also serve as a protective shield against environmental forces. High-performance building envelopes can help reduce the overall energy consumption of a structure throughout the structure’s life. In addition to maintaining and protecting its interior environment and occupants.
This presentation addresses what high-performance building envelopes are, as well as key elements to their performance.
It will discuss how to use precast concrete wall systems to meet the latest code requirements such as continuous insulation and air barriers. It will also include topics such as moisture management, thermal mass effect and how to calculate effective R-values, integration with other building systems, and more. This session will also touch on the idea of resilience.
A structure must be able to resist environmental forces, such as high winds and earthquakes in order to protect life and fulfill its intended purpose. Case studies are used to highlight the information presented.
Learning Objectives:
Describe the three basic types of precast concrete envelope systems
Describe new envelope code requirements
Explain thermal mass and how to use it to create more energy-efficient buildings
Discuss moisture management methodologies
View how precast concrete meets FEMA 361 code requirements.
PCMA, in partnership with PCI, regularly updates its Learn@Lunch programming.
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